Sometimes these passengers are by themselves, sometimes they are in groups of 2 or 3, and sometimes they are in larger groups of 10, 20, or even 60 or 70.

They just stand there, waiting for someone (the FSE Pilots) to come along and give them a ride. They show up at the airport with a sign saying, "I want to go to XYZ airport and I'm willing to pay THIS amount of money". Passengers - Much like the taxi cab metaphor, they are trying to "flag you down" to ask for a ride.

Additionally, some aircraft have restricted cargo weight capacities, regardless of the aircraft's MTOW. The combined weight of the required crew members, the fuel, all passengers, and cargo cannot exceed the MTOW of the aircraft, or else all or some of the assignments won't get on board. You can mix and match passengers and cargo on the same flight (with some exceptions), but you cannot exceed the number of seats in your plane, and you cannot exceed the total Cargo Capacity. All assignment categories can be composed of only two types of assignments: Passengers and Cargo.